Supplying goods from Iran

Supplying goods from Iran

In addition to the import of goods, Iran earns a major part of its income through the export of goods. Many Iranian products are exported all over the world. Some foreign nationals or Iranians living abroad are always engaged in business with Iran and sell Iranian goods abroad. Now the problem is that foreigners or Iranians living abroad do not have easy access to Iranian resources and products, or in order to buy goods and products from Iran, they have to travel to Iran every time and buy the desired product. which is very time-consuming and costly.
One of Qoqnous trading company services is supplying goods from Iran to foreign nationals or Iranians living abroad. The expertise of the Qoqnous team in this area is to find the right producer of the goods you want, make a contract, buy the goods and export them from Iran to all parts of the world. Therefore, it is enough to introduce the desired product to us and wait for us to provide you with the desired product with the best quality and the most suitable price in the shortest possible time.

Qoqnous business strategy to supply goods

We always consider and implement a strategy for supplying goods to foreigners.
In the first step, you must plan to finance the purchase of the product and evaluate the manufacturer and supplier of the goods to make financial plans. So supply of goods is an important step considering the resources of product preparation.
The second step is to choose a supplier. In our opinion, the best supplier is a person or a company that provides the goods with the best quality, the most suitable price and in the shortest possible time. Also, in any situation, provide the goods at the time of the customer’s request.

تامین کالا از ایران

Methods of supplying goods to foreigners

The methods of supplying goods for foreigners are very different. At this stage, according to your conditions such as: budget, amount of demand and number of customers, how to export the product, we choose the method of supplying the goods.

Purchase from manufacturers

One of the best ways to supply goods from Iran is to find manufacturers and buy from them. The most important advantage of this method is to find special and distinctive products at the best price. Due to the low supply in the Iranian market, these products always have a good profit and less competition abroad.

Buy from wholesalers

In some cases, it is not possible to have direct access to the manufacturer, and we have to get the product you want from wholesalers who are directly connected with the manufacturers.

Receive brand representation

Getting brand representation is one of the smartest ideas for supplying goods from Iran. In this way, you can get all the products you want from the agency at a reasonable price and give credit to your business.

The stages of supplying goods from Iran by Qoqnous Trading

  • Selection of products or export goods
  • Identify the needs of the target country
  • Finding different suppliers
  • Choosing the best supplier
  • Validation
  • Request a product sample
  • contract
  • Carrying out customs formalities for export
  • Coordinating with the shipping company to transport the cargo

The most important export goods from Iran

The most important export goods from Iran can be divided into two categories:

Export of petroleum products

Oil, oil and chemical derivatives are one of the most profitable export products of Iran. Available statistics show that in 1400, the export value of oil products and its derivatives reached more than 27 billion dollars.
The weight of non-oil exports reached over 75 million tons in the first 7 months of 1400.

Export of non-oil goods

Apart from oil, Iran also has other products that are exported to all countries of the world every year. In the following, we will mention the most important of them:
  • Liquid propane

According to the statistics of the customs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the highest amount of liquid propane export since 2010 was 5.5 million tons and the lowest was 2.5 million tons. With a general look at the customs statistics, apart from the years of embargo, the upward trend of the export statistics can be observed.
  • Methanol

The annual production capacity of methanol, a valuable petrochemical product in Iran is 12 million tons. About 700,000 tons of this amount is consumed inside the country and the rest is exported. According to this issue, it can be estimated that with the export of methanol, something like 2 billion dollars will be generated for Iran.
  • Steel products

Foulad and its families have earned more than 5 billion dollars in foreign exchange for Iran. This export has grown in value by 104%.
  • copper

The production and export of copper and its family has earned more than 1.4 billion dollars for Iran.
  • Minerals and construction materials

Iran is one of the largest producers of construction materials. It is also one of the largest countries with mineral resources. In 1400, the growth of the export of construction materials and minerals was more than 110%.
Iron ore, marble, chromite, table salt, ceramic tiles, sand, cement, decorative bricks and flooring are among the most important minerals and construction materials exported by Iran.
  • Agricultural and livestock products

Agricultural and livestock products of Iran such as fresh and dry fruits, almonds, raisins, vegetables, cumin, pistachios, saffron, grapes, watermelons, pomegranates, apples, dates, figs are exported to all over the world.

قوانین صادرات از گمرکات تخصصی

  • Handicrafts

Iran has many handicrafts that earn good profits from exporting them to other countries. Among the export products that fall into the category of traditional goods and handicrafts, we can mention hand-woven carpets, rugs, pottery, calligraphy, etc.
  • Tobacco

Tobacco, which is cultivated in the cities of West Azerbaijan, Gilan, Kurdistan, Golestan, Mazandaran, etc., has a good market in Iran’s neighboring countries such as Russia, Turkey, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
  • Textiles and clothing

In recent years, the field of clothing and textiles has been accompanied by good progress, which can become a suitable product for export to foreign countries.
Other export goods of Iran include the following:
  • Food export
  • Export of pharmaceuticals
  • Export of cosmetics
  • Export of industrial parts
  • Export of wood
  • Export of Iranian rice
  • Export of Iranian tea
  • Export of leather products
  • Export of fish and caviar

تامین کالا از ایران برای اتباع خارجی

Qoqnous trading services in the field of supplying goods from Iran

  • Analysis and review of the target community
  • Finding sources of producers and suppliers of the goods you want
  • Checking the product prices of different suppliers
  • Validation of domestic sellers to supply goods from Iran
  • Contracts and purchases on behalf of foreign nationals

last word

Using its experienced team and relying on experience and mastery of international laws, Qoqnous Trading has a high ability to find manufacturers and supply goods from Iran.
We provide you with a list of reputable supply chain vendors within the country. It is enough to choose your goods and products and leave the rest of the process of identifying the source of supply of goods, performing customs formalities and exporting the products to us. Our goal is always to make business easier for foreign merchants and Iranians living abroad.
In order to find manufacturers and supply goods from Iran in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost, contact our specialists through communication channels.

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