Export from specialized customs

Export from specialized customs

Exporting goods is one of the most important economic and commercial activities in any society, which provides the grounds for the economic progress of that society. Carrying out customs operations has always become a concern for merchants and traders. Due to their special conditions, some goods require special and unique procedures for their customs operations. In simpler words, it is possible to carry out the customs formalities of some export items only through specialized customs. Therefore, a topic emerged as export from specialized customs in order to create a suitable platform for the activities of traders and merchants and they can engage in commercial activities.
Specialized customs offices, with a special purpose for carrying out customs operations and export of special goods, equipped with professional manpower, advanced software and hardware facilities have been created to make this operation easier and faster for customs and goods owners.
Exports from specialized customs are required to observe and closely monitor the quality of export goods with determined values.
Exporting goods is a difficult and long process and requires skill and sufficient knowledge of laws, regulations and working conditions. There are regulations and legal contracts for clearing goods from customs and obtaining permission to leave the country. By following them, you can start your activity in the field of export.
The different export of goods from the country to other countries of the world is carried out separately, so that some goods can be exported from normal customs at the borders of the country, and others have several specialized customs for them. As a result, those who intend to export their desired product should refer to the specialized customs related to that product. In this article, we have introduced some of these customs to you, dear ones, where you can export your desired products through specialized customs in different provinces.

Export procedure from specialized customs

Exporting, which is considered a type of commercial activity, has different stages, the main of which is related to goods clearance and customs. Clearance of goods from customs includes actions during which the export goods receive permission to leave the country from customs. Also, export procedures are carried out according to customs rules and regulations, and now there are more than 130 border and customs markets in all provinces of the country, all of which operate under the supervision of the customs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Also, there are several customs offices in the provinces that specialize in the clearance of some export goods. In other words, the procedure for exporting these types of goods is only done at specialized customs offices, so you, dear businessmen, who intend to export these types of goods, should refer to specialized customs offices, and for this, you must first know the regulations and conditions for exporting goods from specialized customs offices. . In the following, we have introduced dozens of specialized customs offices for the export of various goods, which you can refer to to export your valuable goods.

Specialized customs for the export of Iranian tea

To export Iranian tea in different types, you should refer to the following customs.
Iranian tea
shahid bahonarshahid rajaeiastaragolestan
bandar anzalimashadQazvinabadan

Specialized customs for the export of Iranian handwoven carpets

In order to export Iranian hand-woven carpets, it is necessary to go through the export process from specialized carpet customs in the provinces of the country. This product can be exported to other countries of the world through the following customs.
Iranian handwoven carpet
shahid rajaeiMehrabad Airporttehranurmia
rafsanjannoshahrImam Khomeini Airportkhoramshahr

صادرات از گمرکات تخصصی

Specialized customs for the export of pistachios

The following customs are available for pistachio export, and you can refer to these customs for the export of Iranian pistachios.
Shahid RajaeeMehrabad AirportTehranurmia
RafsanjanAbadanImam Khomeini AirportKhorramshahr
Bandar Anzali

قوانین صادرات از گمرکات تخصصی

Specialized customs for saffron export

The following customs are considered for the export of saffron in Iran.
YazdTehranMehrabad AirportMashhad
Imam Khomeini Airport

Specialized customs for the export of petroleum products and its derivatives

It is not possible to export crude oil by individuals and they can only buy it in the energy exchange. For the export of oil and gas products and derivatives that are allowed, it is necessary to use the following specialized customs.
Oil, oil and gas products and derivatives
BushehrmarivanShaheed RajaeiRazi
SemnanBandar Imam KhomeinBandar AnzaliQom

Specialized customs for the export of handicrafts

For the export of handicrafts such as inlaid, miniature and handmade ceramics, etc., refer to the sources below.
Imam Khomeini AirportAbadanBandar Imam Khomein

صادرات صنایع دستی از گمرکات تخصصی

Specialized customs for the export of gold, silver and jewelry

Gold, silver and jewelry as expensive goods can be exported through specialized customs mentioned below.
Gold, silver and jewelry
Imam Khomeini AirportKhorramshahrMehrabad AirportAbadan

Specialized customs for the export of herbal extracts

For any type of perfumes and herbal extracts such as rose water, the following customs are considered, which you can refer to to go through the export procedures.
Herbal extracts, perfumed rose water, rose essence, mint concentrate, etc.
Imam Khomeini AirportMehrabad Airport

Specialized customs for the export of flowers, ornamental and medicinal plants

If you intend to export flowers and plants, you should use the following specialized customs.
Ornamental and medicinal flowers and plants
ShirazurmiaMehrabad AirportArak
Imam Khomeini AirportMashhadImam Khomeini seaportIsfahan

مراحل صادرات از گمرکات تخصصی

Specialized customs for the export of hides, leather and salambor

The customs that we are referring to are among the specialized customs for the export of leather, leather, etc.

Skin, leather and Salambour

Specialized customs for the export of electronic goods

Electronic equipment exporters can obtain the necessary license to export electronic boards, electrical panels, transformers, etc. by referring to the following customs offices.
Electronic appliances
Shaheed RajaeiurmiayazdShiraz
IsfahanKhorramshahrImam Khomeini seaportzanjan
bandar anzaliQazvinnowshahrTehran
Imam Khomeini AirportMashhadAbadansalafchegan

Export of drug precursors

According to the rules of export from specialized customs, Bushehr customs is allowed to carry out customs affairs regarding the export of toluene. Other customs for the export of drug precursors are:
Drug precursors
Imam Khomeini AirportShaheed RajaeiTehran

Export of tobacco products

Nowshahr Customs is authorized to carry out customs formalities related to tobacco export of Iran Tobacco Company. Other customs that are considered for the export of tobacco products are as follows.
Tobacco products
KhorramshahrShaheed RajaeiAstaraAbadan
Imam Khomeini AirportImam Khomeini seaportNowshahrkhosravi

final word

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, the export of some products requires equipment and facilities, detailed and specialized checks, so the export of specialized customs was created to be able to complete the export process of these special products better and faster. In the continuation of the above article, we introduced several specialized customs for the export of valuable Iranian goods, by referring to them, you can send your commercial goods abroad by going through the export procedures from the specialized customs. You can contact Qoqnous trading for free advice on exporting goods from specialized customs.

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