Main services

Introducing Qoqnous Main Services


One of the most important economic activities in a society, which also causes great progress in that society, is the export of goods. Given the great impact that the export of goods can have on the economic conditions of a country, governments are trying to create the appropriate conditions for this important economic process for traders and businessmen.

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Import is a small word that plays a significant role in the micro and macro economy of any country. In fact, import and export together are the main pillars of a country’s economy, but when it comes to economic growth, the first parameter that comes to mind of each of us Exports are involved and there are few people who acknowledge the positive impact of imports on the growth and circulation of the economy.

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The process by which a good is removed from the scope of customs authority and allowed to enter the country (import) or leave it (export) is called customs clearance. In simpler terms, clearance is the same as customs clearance. According to this definition, it can be deduced that both in the import of goods and in the export process, clearance is one of the most important steps to be taken.
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Qoqnous Trading Company Service Brochure